For only $30.00 per year, join the MTB wagga Club Family! Your membership will assist with trail maintenance and upgrades and provide you with important updates about events, working bees and social rides. 

This membership does NOT cover you for races or social rides. 

Please review membership levels by following the below:

1. Go to AusCycling/Membership and select your cover.
-Memberships can be upgraded (e.g from a “Lifestyle” to a “Race All Discipline” at any time).
-“Club Add-On” allows you to affiliate your insurance with multiple clubs.
2. Select Mountain Bike Wagga Inc. from the drop-down as you process your payment through the TidyHQ platform.


Why Join MTB Wagga?


  • Membership dollars will go towards maintaining Trails managed by MTB Wagga located at the Pomingalarna Reserve. The trails are maintained by volunteers and key partnership organisations.
  • Skills coaching days for members
  • The club caters for all ages & skill levels
  • The club promotes a fun atmosphere at events of all types
  • Learn Trail maintenance skills
  • Be part of an active & friendly sporting community
  • Don’t ride?? It does not matter… Join the Club, support a non profit organisation, volunteer if you wish at our events or open days, learn new skills such as trail building, marshalling, course marking, timing, meet new people, join the MTB family & have some fun!

MTB Wagga Local Membership


1 Year
22-01-2025 – 21-01-2026

